Hollywood & Diversity: #OscarsSoWhite & #OscarsSoMale

This Is Why I Stopped Watching Award Shows

I used to enjoy award shows like the Oscars; now they have lost their appeal and I only see what is lacking. I wasn’t going to watch this year’s Oscars because of the #OscarsSoWhite and #OscarsSoMale controversies, but I ended up catching somewhere in the beginning of the broadcast. It was very interesting that the show included diversity amongst the presenters, other participants, and seated audience. This seemed a little forced. Ironically, the nominees in all the major categories didn’t  reflect the same diverse picture.

The best part of the 2015 Oscars was the musical performances: John Legend and Common’s “Glory” from the movie Selma and Lady Gaga’s rendition of songs from “The Sound of Music” with an appearance by Julie Andrews.  Some of the acceptance speeches were also entertaining, moving, and some even touched upon social issues:  #Blacklivesmatter & civil rights, equal rights for women, wage equality, suicide prevention, and respect for immigrants (particularly Mexican immigrants). Despite this, the rest of the show was drawn out as usual.

It’s Not Enough

It doesn’t take this year’s Oscar nominations to realize that Hollywood has a diversity problem. Looking at the show itself, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences voters, and the movies that are out there, it is clear to those who choose to acknowledge it. We live in a multicultural country and world, yet America’s entertainment industry doesn’t see profit in reflecting this diversity. We have seen a few actor and actresses of color in movie roles that are sometimes dynamic or nominated for occasional Oscars. We have seen a few period pieces about racial or social injustices and movies featuring one or more actors or actresses of color. We have seen powerful movies about female characters and brilliant performances by numerous actresses. There has also been an increase in people of color and women directing and creating movies. Yes, this is progress; however, the diversity in the entertainment industry is substandard.

We Need Stories That Connect People

People can relate to any story about another human being. Stories that are generated in Hollywood movies should show the variety and similarity within different groups of people. The accurate portrayal of culture is also important i.e. the criticism surrounding movies like Exodus Gods and Kings. You don’t have to be the same color, sex, age, religion, economic class etc. to understand the human condition or to see the humanity in others. Art is about creativity so why can’t Hollywood be more innovative with the stories and cast selections for movies and television shows?

Also movies with female protagonists of every background need to be prevalent. The Best Picture nominations for the 2015 Oscars were all stories about the experiences of men. I’m not saying that movies about male characters shouldn’t be nominated or valued; there are great movies about women that weren’t given nominations and these movies aren’t usually given equal value in general. Stories about women are just as universal as those about men. Female characters can be as complex and captivating as male characters.

Most actors and actresses, regardless of background, are trained to bring life to any role. If they can’t do that, they shouldn’t be acting. Take most movies starring an all-white or all-male cast and replace it with other talented actors who happen to be different ethnicities, cultures, or opposite gender…add a few story changes and it will be the same movie with a new twist. Diversity in scripts and casting will not only revamp the entertainment industry for the better; it will broaden the film making process and increase revenue.

It’s 2015

Hollywood should use the #OscarsSoWhite and #OscarsSoMale issues as an opportunity to improve the movie making and film recognition processes. While moviegoers and critics can’t fault Hollywood alone and here has been some “progress,” our whole society needs to examine our norms. Maybe when these standards evolve, the entertainment industry will change along with it.

John Legend & Common Performing “Glory”

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