I cannot understand this: 147 people were massacred and the world doesn’t seem to care. The April 2nd attack at Kenya’s Garissa University College hasn’t garnered much interest in the international community. It’s a disheartening, but not surprising reality.
Why is there huge support for some world issues or tragedies and not others? There have been many comments made on social media asking why people are rallying behind #Blacklivesmatter or #AfricanLivesMatter. Situations like these are the reason and the article below shows the frustration on social media. When everyone’s life is treated with equal value in the media, no one will feel the need to use hashtag phrases in order to get the world’s attention.
Writer and blogger. Perspectiv.words Founder, Chief Editor, and Contributor. I write to speak out and uplift. I also share my views on current events, culture, history, or any topic that moves my fingers to a pen or to type.