Don’t Settle for Perfect…

eb34b30f2de91c72d252440dee4a5b97e772e4d71fb116459d_640_roadImprovement is productive. Perfection is nonexistent.

We can appreciate who we are and the positive things that we have currently while still working on where we want to go. There’s no sense in stressing over missteps or things we can’t control.

It’s easy for us to second guess ourselves. It’s difficult taking advice from others. Words from others or thoughts from our own minds that do not inspire our confidence in ourselves should be ignored. While constructive critiques from others should be welcomed as tips that can help us in our growth.

If we haven’t taken steps forward, we can always start and keep going no matter how small. The object is self-fulfillment not perfection.

Everyday won’t be perfect. No one is perfect. Nothing we do will be perfect. Striving for perfection is a trap that keeps us from believing in our happiness and nurturing our talents.

Our aspirations can be our accomplishments; we won’t get there fast. Yet we owe it to ourselves to work with determination and trust that we will in fact get there.

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