Response to GOP’s Anti-Political Correctness

Joseph Sohm /
Joseph Sohm /

The GOP’s candidates in the 2016 Presidential Election haven’t been appealing to America’s better nature. Politicians should be responsible for the results that come from their words while pandering for votes. The media should at least question their intent and not allow them to hide behind anti-political correctness to excuse their intolerance. Free speech shouldn’t be a pass for public officials or any citizen to speak with bias about any segment our demographic.

We can share opinions that aren’t direct or veiled insults towards those who are of a different hue, sex, sexual orientation, religion, economic class, and so on. As country and world, we should never allow people’s unique outlooks or experiences to be suppressed. However, there’s a difference between self-expression and blatant disrespect. There’s a difference between stating facts and spewing inaccuracies.

Political correctness in its simplicity is about knowing that the prejudiced rhetoric that was once “normal” to say is no longer part of the mainstream. It’s about placing views that SHOULD be seen as taboo (i.e. racist, sexist, homophobic, and etc.) in their PROPER context.

It’s funny how people who are so against political correctness continue to utter vileness and don’t even realize their ignorance. I say, let’s keep being a politically correct society and let’s do it in a smart way. Not censorship…just actual common sense. Anyone who has an issue with that is only showing their true colors and shouldn’t get mad if anyone calls them out on it. They should just learn to check their prejudice and “get with the times.”

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