Dear White People: Opinion on Controversial Hype

There is a new Netflix series called Dear White People…That caught my attention.

What mostly caught my eye was the controversy surrounding it. Before I give my take, I want to make sure one thing is clear. Is it racist to have such a title? After extensive research into the film and series, it seems not at all.

The series, based on the 2014 movie, is about how racism looks from both sides. It is called “Dear White People” because that is the name of main character Samantha White’s radio show. She is obsessed with microagressions and racial stereotypes to the point she becomes bias. Samantha then learns about racism in terms of how it actually affects society and that not everyone is automatically racist and how the problem is more complex than she thinks.

So what is this show? Apparently, a very interesting social commentary that makes fun of itself?

That seems like something to look into…

Dear White People Featurette: Stay Woke

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