In America, Facts Are No Longer Relevant

We’re bombarded with information. And it has gotten to the point that there’s so much misinformation than actual information. Facts and history don’t seem to matter anymore when it comes to politics or social issues. We’re divided even more.

And we have leadership that’s capitalizing on this. Some people with media influence are spreading it. While others in the media aren’t scrutinizing it enough. And this leads to some in the general population blindly repeating it.

How can we expect everyday people to be informed? To debate or vote using proof or data instead of raw emotion or hidden biases. Especially when their main focus is to survive and make it in life.

Politically and socially, this misinformation stops us from seeing the people on the other side trying to survive just like us. We seem more concerned with scoring points. To one-up the person we want to oppose instead of speaking truth based on facts or sharing opinions rooted from facts. And it has gotten to the point where decency and even common sense are in the trash.

As a country, we don’t seem concerned with protecting the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of all of our fellow citizens and people who seek citizenship. We don’t seem concerned with ensuring that everyone is an equal individual with all the tools to make it in life.

We view those who are different as our rivals not our counterparts. We value holding on to past ideas that have failed us instead of moving forward to the uncertain, but still promising future.

All this misinformation and the schisms created are deteriorating what’s good about our society. And it’s gotten worse under our current administration.

But, what are we really trying to achieve? Who does this really benefit?

How can this really benefit anyone?

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Mari Corona
Mari Corona
July 2, 2018 7:26 PM

Great perspective. I agree seems like . the information today is the blind leading the blind unless you rebel and do your own research. I feel the American Dream is tainted and it is time for a new all-inclusive Dream.

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