Let’s Not Get Distracted From Immigration

FILE – June 17, 2018, file photo provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, people who’ve been taken into custody related to cases of illegal entry into the United States rest in one of the cages at a facility in McAllen, Texas. Immigrant children described hunger, cold and fear in a voluminous court filing about the facilities where they were held in the days after crossing the border. Advocates fanned out across the southwest to interview more than 200 immigrant parents and children about conditions in U.S. holding facilities, detention centers and a youth shelter. The accounts form part of a case over whether the government is complying with a longstanding settlement over the treatment of immigrant youth in custody. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Rio Grande Valley Sector via AP, File)

There are still hundreds of kids who haven’t been reunited with their parents. This is unacceptable. To recap:

Our government kidnapped people’s children and placed these kids in facilities; some of these facilities were states away from their parents. Government officials and political pundits who support this policy referred to these facilities as “summer camp” knowing that no American would place their own kids, any kid that they know, or even themselves in these facilities. The administration separated these thousands of kids from their families without any plans for reuniting them while making excuses, quoting scripture, and even claiming that they weren’t sure if any of the individual adults and children were related. The administration even took babies and toddlers, who are too young to speak for themselves, away from their moms or dads.

And all of this was because these kids’ parents came to America seeking asylum and our government ONLY saw them as “illegals,” not human beings seeking a better life.

Here’s a question: Why is immigration so divisive to the point that where we’re demonizing immigrants or people who seek asylum, especially those of color?

That’s exactly what’s happening. We’re not putting people from European countries in cages or denying their entry in other ways, i.e., issuing travel bans or rescinding programs like DACA or TPS. Trump himself called countries in Latin America and Africa “s****hole” countries and asked why people in Norway can’t immigrate instead.

Guess what…we do have people from European countries coming over. But the administration and others with anti-immigration stances never mention that in their talking points about immigration. Think about that for a second.

Yes, we need to update the immigration system in this country, but why are immigrants of color scapegoated? They are not the only groups coming here “illegally.” They are not the only groups overstaying their visas. They are not the only groups that have entered here under what Trump calls “chain-migration.” And by the way, I’m NOT suggesting for European immigrants to be treated unfairly instead. I’d like us to just be honest and admit that our nation’s current immigration policies are an attempt to disparage and discourage immigrants of color.

America is a country of immigrants; people who have arrived here on their own, with their families, or even with entire communities (i.e. colonialism). Whether your ancestors came on the Mayflower, through Ellis Island, or by other means long after; whether your ancestors were brought here against their own will on slave ships, you’re an “immigrant” to this land. The only people who can claim this country as completely theirs are the Native American tribes whose ancestors settled in America long, long before the age of European exploration. And, to even prove how broad being an American is, the U.S. recognizes the people of its commonwealths in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam as Americans citizens. However, some Americans seem to forget how all-encompassing this country is.

FILE- In this circa 1950 photo shows a bronze plaque of the poem by Poet Emma Lazurus on Statue of Liberty in New York. In 1903, the poem was engraved on the bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal’s lower level. (AP Photo/File)

So, why don’t we treat the new wave of immigrants as people? Why don’t we citizens stop looking at immigrants to blame for our country’s issues?

We know who’s actually hiring undocumented workers and/or shipping jobs overseas just because they can. We know who refuses to hire Americans or pay us higher wages. We know that U.S. born people of EVERY hue and religious affiliation are committing crimes and killing people all over America…we can’t blame crime on immigrants.

Wanting immigration policies to be humane and not be plain old racist does not mean wanting open borders. No one who’s advocating for the proper treatment of our fellow human beings is talking about open borders, so why is this even a talking point for those who are anti-immigration?

People have been moving around the planet since the beginning of time. And all of a sudden, it’s wrong? People have been coming over to America since the first settler ships arrived here. And all of a sudden, it’s wrong?

And yes, we have laws now and people should come here “the right way,” but what are the conditions that make people unable to wait or that make them try to seek asylum? And seeking asylum isn’t illegal by the way. If people are in desperate need, should we be a country that sends people away without even trying to help especially when it is our government’s actions and policies that have contributed to the situations in the places that these individuals are fleeing?

Everyone should be welcomed in America, no matter what country you come from, your religion, your language, education level, or socioeconomic status. It’s the people fleeing the worst conditions that have come to America and have made it better through their fortitude and dedication.

This administration’s immigration policies show not only a lack of understanding of what this nation is about, but also apathy and disregard for innocent people’s lives, especially precious children. Just so that this administration could stop certain colors of people from coming here.

And they say that they’re doing this for us, the American people, and some people actually believe this? This ISN’T about putting America first. This IS about keeping racism and xenophobia alive and well.

Plain and simple English: It’s about saying “your kind of people don’t fit in our definition of America.”

Let’s just be honest about that.

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August 14, 2018 1:27 PM

We need to stay focused on these families until each child is reunited with his or her parents

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