Wake-Up America: We Have a Gun Crisis

Our right to bear arms means more than our principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There’s not enough public outrage about gun violence and our leaders accept campaign money from the NRA while offering up empty thoughts and prayers. When will it be enough?

Can we finally call out and prosecute these so-called “lone wolves with mental issues” as white supremacists and terrorists? Can we stop acting like places like Chicago or other big cities magically create their own gun violence issues? Can we stop making it seem like it’s normal when we hear a child accidentally finds a relative’s gun and shoots themselves or someone else?

When will members of Congress forget about partisanship, stand up for the average American, do their jobs, and pass legislation might actually turn this around? We need better gun laws across all 50 states…period. Guns are the issue…not video games or lack of parenting or whatever nonsense the GOP or NRA are trying to shove down people’s throats.

We don’t need everyone armed and ready for battle. We don’t need our neighborhoods to look like militarized zones. And yes, we do need mental health reform, but mental health is a worldwide issue and other countries don’t have the gun problem that we, as one of the most developed nations, have.

It’s not about personal feelings. Look at the statistics that are out there. This is about saving innocent people’s lives. We don’t want people feeling like the only safe place is to barricade themselves in their own homes with a gun in tow. That’s not freedom.

And no, we don’t have to take everyone’s guns…for all those people who are more worried about that. We just need to make it harder for psychos and idiots among us to get weapons and to ensure that responsible gun owners can account for their responsibility.

Instead of thinking of our fellow citizens or taking action as a nation, we deflect and cower behind the Second Amendment. We don’t even try to fix the gun violence problem. We dance around this issue until it resurfaces again and we do nothing again. We justify this cycle while our lives, our liberty, and our pursuit of happiness are at stake.

Our thoughts, prayers, and inaction haven’t ended gun violence. Our thoughts, prayers, and inaction aren’t bulletproof shields.

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