We’ve Come A Long Way; We Can Still Go Farther

It’s 2019 and there’s so much negativity in this world. Some people say it has always been there and that people are corrupt by nature.

But if you look at our current society, we’ve actually come far in terms of becoming a more progressive society though in many ways our thinking is just as backwards.

For this reason, we can’t be complacent. I don’t think we can achieve world peace or anything that drastic. We can do little things like improving communities, actually calling for changes from the representatives who are in charge, or valuing knowledge instead of hearsay.

We need to realize that:

Ideological differences don’t make people enemies.
What we think, our beliefs, or our feelings don’t justify causing harm to others.
We have obstacles and it doesn’t mean we can’t have positive change or there’s no point in trying.

There was a time when:

Slavery was a thing and people justified it.
Women couldn’t vote.
People were tortured or killed because of their skin color or ideologies.
People were placed in reservations or internment camps.
Education wasn’t open to everyone.
Child labor was a thing and adult workers didn’t have rights or safety.
People weren’t allowed to even sit next to other people, be in the same classroom, or drink from the same fountain because of their skin color.
People’s honesty about who they loved would get them ostracized, tortured, or worse.

In those times too, people said “this is the way things are.” And everyone probably thought it wasn’t going to change. But, things ended up changing.

We’ve come very far. It’s fair to say that we can still go a little farther…especially for the sake of the generation that will live in this world after us.

We can do better. And isn’t it about time that we do?

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