Science and Religion: Two Sides, Same Coin

Albert Einstein once said “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”

I find this quote relatable as a Catholic with a passion for science. The world makes a lot more sense when we can look through the lenses of both.

Science is the attempt at understanding the mysteries of the universe through questions and quantifiable data. Faith is the attempt at understanding the mysteries of the universe through meditation and spiritual connection to an unseen power.

We cannot explain one in terms of the other. We cannot use one to disprove the other. Nor should we try to.

Understanding our world through either science or faith requires an open mind. Sticking rigidly to one view or blatantly attacking the other is what leads to close mindedness and prevents truly seeing and realizing the  complexity of the world. The universe is too big for everything to be black or white.

The very questions we seek to understand elude us until we are willing to accept that we do not yet have all the answers. And if we plan to ever find these answers, we must learn to open our minds and accept new perspectives instead of focusing on arguments that lead to further confusion and animosity, neither of which will ever expand our horizons.

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