Why is America so Anti-Immigrant?

Immigration is the foundation of this country and our diversity is what makes us great.  America is supposed to be the land of the free. You can build your life and practice your culture or religion freely. That’s why people came here in the first place.  And yet the descendants of those who immigrated in the past take issue with today’s new immigrants. These people are dishing out the same intolerance their ancestors faced. When will we learn?

Why are some people harassing other people who they see speaking other languages or practicing their culture or faith? Why do we have certain political officials or public figures questioning how American new immigrants and their children are? They are treating people from Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia this way and what’s the common denominator? Color and in some cases religion.

The racism exhibited toward these new immigrants who happen to be of color is nothing new. Racism is in this country’s DNA. Let’s not kid ourselves about that. And in recent years, people actually tried to appear more politically correct when it comes to issues of race in order to feed the narrative of America’s exceptionalism. However, Trump through his words and actions has emboldened people to be unashamed of their ignorance. In this way, our country regressed in a short period.

As a first generation American from multilingual family and a diverse city,  I grew up seeing different people and hearing different languages spoken.  I’ve always been intrigued by being around other cultures. I enjoy learning other languages. Being around diversity made me embrace it and it has become a normal way of life.

However, there’s a segment of the American population that doesn’t view their America that way. To them, America is a place where everyone looks, prays, and speaks like them. People from other cultures or who speak other languages intimidate them for some reason. But the question is why?

Being from another culture or speaking another language is how our entire world is. There are vast cultures and people in the world are multilingual or at least try to be. America is just one nation in a huge world that is no longer set in isolation.

But, let’s get back to America. America does not have an official language, culture, or religion.  English is the designated language, we have Western ideals, and most people are Christians. However that doesn’t mean that people in America can’t speak other languages, abide by their own customs, or practice their faiths.

Also, there are people who come here, speak the language, and adapt to the dominant culture. I know plenty of immigrant kids even from my cultural community who don’t know another language. It’s sad to see when people assimilate to the point that they lose their culture just to be American. There’s no right way to be American and it would be boring to live somewhere where everyone is exactly the same.

What would make America great is if it recognizes the value in its diversity and immigrants and also really treats everyone of all colors and creeds fairly. It wouldn’t hurt if Americans learned other languages to communicate and understand others especially on our soil.

Learning other languages and cultures expands people’s experiences; you actually get to have balanced views on other people. So, we wouldn’t have rude and ignorant people confronting people speaking other languages, telling people to go back where they came from, and attacking people for just looking, dressing, or praying a certain way.

Also, it’s hypocritical for those who want to force new immigrants into assimilation. Our cultural landscape has continually evolved. European settlers who arrived in America seeking freedom and opportunity didn’t assimilate to the Native American languages and cultures they encountered. In fact, Native American lands were seized, Native Americans were brutalized and killed, and Native Americans were forced to assimilate to European culture. Maybe that’s the fear?

If Americans who are disrespectful towards immigrants wanted to adhere to true America:

We would eat Native American foods.

All of the names on our buildings and street signs would be Native American.

We’d be fluent in all Native American languages.

Everyone would follow Native American traditions and religious practices.

Anyone that doesn’t abide by these rules should go back to where they came from.

And if you’re offended by this…you shouldn’t be. Native American culture was the original American melting pot before everyone else arrived. Maybe our current society should learn to treat immigrants of color or other religions as great additions to this melting pot of America.

When will we learn?

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October 22, 2019 1:00 AM

As always, an insightful view into what is actually occurring!

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