America…Complacency is Complicity

What is wrong with this country?  Children and teachers should be safe. How many school shootings does it have to take? People going about their day-to-day existence should be safe. How many random mass shootings does it have to take?

Why can’t we have a country where people aren’t looking over their shoulders in places that are supposed to be safe? And if you’re not outraged, research how many shootings the U.S. had so far this year compared to other countries. Research our numbers of gun violence overall.

How are we just living with this? This isn’t normal.

So tired of the gun debate and the lawmakers hiding behind the 2nd Amendment and not working with other lawmakers who are pushing for reform. So tired of insensitive individuals saying guns don’t kill people…

Innocent people’s lives and the pain of their families shouldn’t be up for debate. You wouldn’t be so nonchalant if you were in their shoes. Our complacency is complicity in these tragedies.

We have so-called pro-life people who defend fetuses and in the same breath glorify the guns that murder living, breathing citizens.

We have people taking freedoms or services from our less fortunate and marginalized citizens, yet they will say “don’t come for my guns” with fervor.

We have people who only champion mental health at a whim so that they can deflect from gun violence issues.

We have people who care more about extra guns in the streets than our fellow human beings sleeping in the same streets due to a lack of basic necessities. 

We have people who value the 2nd Amendment and can’t quote it verbatim or don’t know the context of it while they fight to undermine rights in other amendments.

We’re a nation in confusion while we claim exceptionalism and allow our fellow Americans to suffer the unbearable. 

What are we doing as a country?

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